Single Flower Bouquet


A single bouquet of handpicked flowers that were ethically grown on my urban micro-flower farm, or using hydroponics in my solar powered home in Chicago. Each bouquet will include approximately eight focal flowers, such as dahlias, zinnias, sunflowers, or hydrangeas, in addition to foliage and other spikes and filler flowers such as snap dragons, basil, allium, celosia, gomphrena, chocolate lace, and many others.

Pick up is in Logan Square or delivery can be arranged but must be within three miles of Logan Square. All deliveries are made in an electric car that is powered by solar energy. For more details about the subscription visit the FLOWERS FAQ page.

Pictures are provided to give examples of designs from different sized bouquets. The types of flowers in your bouquet will depend on what is blooming at the time.

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A single bouquet of handpicked flowers that were ethically grown on my urban micro-flower farm, or using hydroponics in my solar powered home in Chicago. Each bouquet will include approximately eight focal flowers, such as dahlias, zinnias, sunflowers, or hydrangeas, in addition to foliage and other spikes and filler flowers such as snap dragons, basil, allium, celosia, gomphrena, chocolate lace, and many others.

Pick up is in Logan Square or delivery can be arranged but must be within three miles of Logan Square. All deliveries are made in an electric car that is powered by solar energy. For more details about the subscription visit the FLOWERS FAQ page.

Pictures are provided to give examples of designs from different sized bouquets. The types of flowers in your bouquet will depend on what is blooming at the time.

A single bouquet of handpicked flowers that were ethically grown on my urban micro-flower farm, or using hydroponics in my solar powered home in Chicago. Each bouquet will include approximately eight focal flowers, such as dahlias, zinnias, sunflowers, or hydrangeas, in addition to foliage and other spikes and filler flowers such as snap dragons, basil, allium, celosia, gomphrena, chocolate lace, and many others.

Pick up is in Logan Square or delivery can be arranged but must be within three miles of Logan Square. All deliveries are made in an electric car that is powered by solar energy. For more details about the subscription visit the FLOWERS FAQ page.

Pictures are provided to give examples of designs from different sized bouquets. The types of flowers in your bouquet will depend on what is blooming at the time.


If you would like your bouquet delivered in one of my handmade vases, visit my ceramics shop.