Winter Greens Bouquet
A single bouquet of winter greens that will last for a couple weeks! Your arrangement will include a beautiful combination of winter foliage such as spruce, cedar, boxwood, dogwood, pines, winterberries or eucalyptus.
Pick up is in Logan Square or delivery can be arranged but must be within three miles of Logan Square. All deliveries are made in an electric car that is powered by solar energy. For more details about the subscription visit the FLOWERS FAQ page.
A single bouquet of winter greens that will last for a couple weeks! Your arrangement will include a beautiful combination of winter foliage such as spruce, cedar, boxwood, dogwood, pines, winterberries or eucalyptus.
Pick up is in Logan Square or delivery can be arranged but must be within three miles of Logan Square. All deliveries are made in an electric car that is powered by solar energy. For more details about the subscription visit the FLOWERS FAQ page.
A single bouquet of winter greens that will last for a couple weeks! Your arrangement will include a beautiful combination of winter foliage such as spruce, cedar, boxwood, dogwood, pines, winterberries or eucalyptus.
Pick up is in Logan Square or delivery can be arranged but must be within three miles of Logan Square. All deliveries are made in an electric car that is powered by solar energy. For more details about the subscription visit the FLOWERS FAQ page.
If you would like your bouquet delivered in one of my handmade vases, visit my ceramics shop.